Benefits of the Kudos Fixed Gap Boundary Port Design and Positioning Your Speakers

Posted on 3rd June 2020 in Category: News

Kudos Fixed Boundary Port Screenshot


Interaction between a speaker and room boundaries – particularly the floor and two nearest walls – has a significant effect on in-room frequency response at low frequencies, and hence how extended, even, and clean a speaker’s bass sounds.

At very low frequencies, where the distance between the speaker and the boundary is small compared to the wavelength of sound in air, each adjacent boundary adds 3dB to the speaker’s power output (9dB in total) and 6dB to sound pressure (18dB in total). As frequency increases, this effect lessens.

Unless the distances to the boundaries are carefully controlled, interference between the three reflections can make the speaker’s output very uneven. Nothing can change the laws of physics in play here, but our fixed boundary gap port design ameliorates the problem of ports exiting into variable elements like hard floors compared to carpets and hard walls or soft furnishings. Speaker placement for optimum performance and personal taste remains a matter of trial and error or for your specialist Kudos retailer to bring their expertise and experience.

Kudos Titan 808 Fixed Boundary PortTitan 808 features the same Fixed Boundary Port design as the other Titan models, but it’s placed in between the two cabinets 

Titan loudspeakers are designed to work well closer to wall boundaries than most full bandwidth speaker designs. They can be used and enjoyed closer to walls, but they may require careful positioning for the reasons explained above.

The port tuning of the Titan range (and all our floor standers) has been fine-tuned to maximise the quality and tunefulness of their bass response within the confines of a domestic setting. The ports exit onto a controlled boundary plane of the plinth which reduces variations of performance caused by the positioning and floor covering.

Another great benefit of our Fixed Boundary Port design is that it minimises any unwanted mid frequencies escaping into the listening environment, resulting in a more agile, nuanced and detailed bass response.

For more information on setting up and positioning your Kudos loudspeakers, have a read of our other blog piece here.

